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Colorado WINS: When State Employees Have A Voice

About Colorado WINS

Colorado Workers for Innovative and New Solutions (WINS) is a union representing more than 27,000 state employees who work to ensure our quality of life in communities in every corner of our state. Black or white, Asian or Latine, native or newcomer, we make the way for quality essential services to everyone.

State employees care for veterans, the sick, and the disabled; we maintain the safety and use of our roads and bridges; we protect the quality of our drinking water and air; we assist those hurt by the economic downturn; we provide stewardship to public lands and boost tourism; we keep our jails and communities secure and provide many other essential services.

In 2020, state employees came together through our union Colorado Workers for Innovative and New Solutions (WINS) to pass a game changing bill that allows us to negotiate with our employer, State of Colorado, for better wages, benefits, and working conditions.

Read more about who we are and what we stand for in our Constitution & Bylaws that is amended triennially at our Member Convention.

Our new contract in 2024

In 2021, we won a historic first contract with victories like a $15 minimum wage for all state jobs, increased on-call pay, and raises to support our families. This summer, we went back to the bargaining table to negotiate for our biggest win yet: a pathway to a more equitable pay system that recognizes state employees' total years of service.

Colorado WINS Districts

Our organization is divided into nine Districts based on counties you reside in. See the map below to find out which District you belong to. Click on the image to see the map full size.

Colorado WINS District Map

Meet the Team

Executive Board

Colorado WINS Executive Board Officers hail from across the state. They are elected by fellow WINS members to represent their interests every three years.



Meet the employees who support the day-to-day operations of Colorado WINS.