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Statement on Breonna Taylor

September 25, 2020

Statement on Breonna Taylor

We condemn this miscarriage of justice for Breonna Taylor and her family and are committed to stand in solidarity and fight for our Black, Brown, and Asian brothers and sisters who suffer under this unjust systems in our country. We all deserve to live in a country that rejects racism and takes action to that end.

Ås we mourn the loss of Breonna’s life, an essential worker like us who was killed in her own home, we will also continue to act in her memory and double down on our Resolution in Support of the Movement for Black Lives. We can’t stop the fight to achieve racial and economic justice in our communities, for only when we achieve racial justice will we achieve economic justice, and only when we achieve economic justice will we achieve racial justice.

This November we have the chance to elect people who will fight for a future where everyone, no matter the color of our skin, has an equitable chance to pursue our dreams. Check your voter registration, fill out and turn in your ballot, mobilize your friends and neighbors, and together we will uproot racism from every system where it grows unabated.